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Save to Gallery Shelf Tool

This tool is used to save the selected node to gallery quickly with username, category, and name. It also allows you to overwrite the existing gallery entry.

import os, time

def globalUser():
 if os.getenv("USERNAME").lower() == "jonnyw":
 return "JYW"
 return os.getenv("USER").upper()

def galleryFilePath():
 # Create the file path
    hpath   = os.getenv("HOUDINI_USER_PREF_DIR")
    filename= "" % globalUser()
    path    = "%s/gallery/%s" % ( hpath, filename )
 print path
 return path

def reloadGallery():
 # Reload the gallery file
        entryInfoPath   = galleryFilePath()
        hou.galleries.installGallery( entryInfoPath )
 print "Unable to reload gallery."

def setWatermark( node ):
    wmParmName  = "___watermark___"
    parmGroup   = node.parmTemplateGroup()
 if not parmGroup.find(wmParmName):
        wmParm  = hou.StringParmTemplate( wmParmName, "Watermark", 1 )
        wmParm.setHelp("Feel free to use this node. %s :)" % globalUser())
        parmGroup.append( wmParm )
        node.setParmTemplateGroup( parmGroup )
    wmMessage   = "Latest Update By : %s, %s" % (globalUser(), time.ctime())

def setGalleryEntry( node ):
    comment     = node.comment().split("\n")[0]
 type        = node.type()
    category    = type.category().typeName().upper()
 # Extract Comment
        comment = comment.split(": ")[1]
        galleryUser = comment.split(" ")[0]
        galleryCat  = comment.split(" ")[1]
        galleryName = " ".join(comment.split(" ")[2:])
        galleryUser = globalUser()
        galleryName = "New Gallery"
 if galleryUser == "JYW" or galleryUser == globalUser():
        isOverwrite = 1
        entryName   = "%s %s %s" % ( globalUser(), category, galleryName )
        entryName   = "%s %s New Gallery" % ( globalUser(), category )
 # Create Entry Data from Entry Name
    entryData   = [ globalUser(), category, galleryName ]
 # Overwrite Entry Data manually
    uiMessage   = "Save the selected node to gallery.                    "
 if isOverwrite: uiMessage += "\n\nCAUTION : This will overwrite the old gallery if not updating the Name"
    uiLabels    = [ "User Name : ", "Category : ", "Gallery Name : " ]
    uiButtons   = [ "OK", "Cancel" ]
    uiInitials  = entryData
    uiData  = hou.ui.readMultiInput( uiMessage, uiLabels, initial_contents=uiInitials, buttons=uiButtons, default_choice=1 )
 if uiData[0] == 1:
    entryData   = uiData[1]
 # Set Watermark
    setWatermark( node )
 # Construct the Entry Info
    entryInfoName   = "%s_%s_%s" % ( entryData[0], entryData[1], entryData[2].replace(" ","") )
    entryInfoLabel  = "%s %s %s" % entryData
    entryInfoPath   = galleryFilePath()
    entryInfoCat    = globalUser()
 # Create and set the gallery
    entryObject = hou.galleries.createGalleryEntry( entryInfoPath, entryInfoName, node )
    entryObject.setLabel( entryInfoLabel )
    entryObject.setCategories( [globalUser()] )
 # Print Message
    prttime = str( time.ctime( time.time() ) )
    message = "\n-------\n%s\nGallery : %s\nSaved to : %s\n-------\n" % ( prttime, entryInfoLabel, entryInfoPath )
 print message

def __main__():
 if hou.selectedNodes():
        node    = hou.selectedNodes()[0]
        setGalleryEntry( node )




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