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Houdini Launcher / Project Mechanic

Houdini Launcher is created by PyQt. This tool is based on the file structure for our studio, making Effect Team launch up with the specified environment easily.

The bookmark function. User can manually add or remove the bookmark and edit the note for each. The bookmark will be saved as a json file on server for each user.

This is currently works for Windows OS only.

The OTLs, gallery, etc, is seperated. The launcher will launch the Houdini with specified version of Houdini and also the specified plugins for the project. That is, user can create the OTL for the specified project only and will not loaded from another project.

Project Mechanic is the key for Houdini Launcher based on our pipeline TD's tool, Alchemy, by Zepth Tsai. The Alchemy loads the specified json file by project included with the dictionary of setting. Here Project Mechanic generates the so called json file for each project.

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