"FX Delayed Load OBJ" is used to simplified creating procedural delay load from cached files. Including Frame Shift and Active function allowing user to animate with the cached files. The OTL is set to not displayed by default since the cached file is usually too large for GPU displaying. Using delayed load saving rendering time from avoiding writing caches to IFD files. Since the Packed geometry is included in H13 and after, using delayed load on rendering is still handy for user.
"FX Multi Delayed Load OBJ" is a OTL based on creating specified amount of "FX Delayed Load OBJ" automatically. Refer to "FX Wedge", "FX Multi Delayed Load" is designed to load back the wedge caches.

This image shows the examples of the result of "FX Wedge" render, 10 isolated simulation caches.

"FX Multi Delayed Load" creates 10 "FX Delayed Load" inside the subfolder, applying with the same material. Switching "By Sequence" to "By Each" will generate 1 "FX Delayed Load" for EACH file. Using "By Each" is really handy for loading the large amount of static objects, e.g. Clouds.